Unique vacuum solutions- a one stop solution for all the needs of helium leak detection services (mass spectrometer helium leak testing), helium leak detectors, helium calibrated leaks, helium bombing stations, helium leak test stations for various applications like aluminum castings, battery industry automobile components, et., high vacuum products such as vacuum components, vacuum valves, flex metal bellows & hoses, , spares, calibrated leaks, vacuum measurement instruments like pirani gauges, penning gauges, Digital Thickness Monitors , and so on….
Unique vacuum solutions, Is l known for its outstanding on time support to customer for both indoor and at site helium leak detection services with its high mobility team.
We are equipped with state of the art- highly reliable helium leak detector which is compatible for all the types and methods of helium leak testing. The helium leak testing usable range is from 10-11 std CC/sec to 10-3 std CC/sec depending on the type of test and the test object.
UVS has specialized in conducting the helium leak testing in
The other services we provide are helium calibrated leaks re calibration, repair and service of helium leak detectors, annual maintenance contract for helium leak test equipments, up gradation or retrofitting of high vacuum systems, system automation, etc.,
UVS team:
UVS has qualified and trained engineers and technical staff for conducting the helium leak testing at sites.
We have ANST traceable certified calibrated leaks for ensuring the high accuracy dependable helium leak testing.